Thursday, August 5, 2021

Moron of the Month - August 2021


We've met a lot of assholes since March 2020.  Absolute fools who have taken a grave situation and politicized it to their own advantage.  But nobody has been a bigger moron than one Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is apparently the official doctor of America.   No one has done more damage to this country, save for maybe Adolf Hitler.   And with the rise of COVID variants, he's not going away any time soon.

Nor does he want to.  Because of all his attributes, the one that keeps rising time after time is Fauci's love for the camera.  When it comes to the media, he's the biggest whore since Irma La Douce.

So first we hear that COVID won;t be such a big deal.  Then we hear that masks are useless.  Then we hear masks are necessary.  Then it's two masks are needed.

Wear a bag over your head.

Mask while showering.

Don't mask children.

Mask children.

Mask while having sex.

Don't mask while having sex.

Meanwhile, it appears that Fauci knew exactly what was going on with that Wuhan lab.  But, of course, he says he didn't.

Would you buy a used virus from this man?

Of course, the CDC follows his lead.  The Center of Doubt and Confusion.

It's frightening in a country like America that we can get so many mixed messages from one allegedly respected doctor.  Meanwhile, because he took a stand against Trump, the liberals think he is Marcus Welby MD.  But these are the same idiots who think Nancy Pelosi is an altruistic politician.

As for me, if I walk into an Urgent Care for a sinus infection and I see that Dr. Anthony Fauci is the doctor on call, I walk out.

Hopefully, this will all be over soon enough and Dr. Fauci can take the medical assignment he is most equipped to do.

As personal physician in Hooterville for Arnold the Pig.

Dinner last night:  Leftover sausage, peppers, and onions.

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