Thursday, April 27, 2023

Hollywood Then and Now - April 2023

Hollywood Then and Now comes to my own backyard.

I live in what is called officially "Century City."  Pretty much known for its condo apartment building and the gigantic Westfield mall which I rarely go to.

Now the word "Century" is a throwback to the neighboring Fox Studio Lot, which used to be 20th Century Fox.  Back in the day it looked a little like this.

This is from the early 60s.  The Fox backlot extended a lot further to the north.  Pre-mall.  Pre-Century Tower office building which used to eclipse the skyline.

Now there are two schools of thought about what happened.  In the early 60s, the studio started to bleed money.   Some blamed it on Marilyn Monroe.  But, in reality, the smart pick is the hemorrhaging of dough from that mega-bust of a movie, "Cleopatra."   

Whatever the reason, 20th Century Fox needed cash and sold off the backlot to developers who envisioned...

A mall.

Several towering office buildings.

And probably some condo apartments like mine.

Here's a glimpse today.

And the world keeps on changing.

Dinner last night:  Hamburger.

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