Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Morons of the Month - April 2019

You know, I keep calling this monthly feature a tribute to a current moron or two in the news.  But, in reality, most of these folks are not stupid.   They know exactly what they are doing.   Indeed, they are mostly evil.   

Perhaps we should be honoring or, in reality, condemning the "Rat Bastard of the Month."

You are all aware at this juncture that the famed Jussie Smollett case has been dropped.  The details have been sealed.   Despite whatever crimes this dummy Smollett has perpetrated, he can go back to living his cushioned life and winning NAACP Image Awards.   To think that one of his alleged crimes was mail fraud which is a federal offence.  No worries.   He apparently stopped some non-profit envelopes for 18 hours and that constituted the sum total of his punitive community service.

Ain't the legal system grand?  But then again, this is Chicago and there's more corruption in that city than there is ivy on the walls of Wrigley Field.

At the center of this all is the Chicago chief prosecutor Kim Fox and her photo above makes it look like her face was sewed on.  She's being awfully tight-lipped about just what happened to get poor Jussie his "Get Out of Jail Free" card.  Poor moron.  She's likely trapped in the middle of something and, apparently in Chicago, it's no big deal to throw your police commissioner under the bus.

But, as soon as I heard that there was an aide to the revered Michelle Obama involved here, it should be crystal clear to even Stevie Wonder what happened here.

Yep, here are the aforementioned Rat Bastards and I am proud to finally say so in this now-twelve-year-old blog.
So sorry, gang.  It's time I called America's most revered couple for what they are.  Scheming, vindictive, and totally skilled at working the system.   It's obvious they pulled some strings to get Jussie off the hook and this is equal to any of the back room shenanigans that Trump is pulling in the White House.  Chicago is their town.   They know how to work every single angle.

But the Obamas are sainted, especially with the press and you can't say anything negative about them because that's racist and all.

Friends, it's long overdue for us to recognize these two for what they are.  Elitist snobs.  And reverse racists.   Yes, people, racism goes two ways.   I know someone who worked in proximity to the adored Michelle when she was working in the Chicago legal system.   She is a terror to deal with.   And not shy about complaining about the "white man."   

Her phony husband is no better and I am sad that I won't be around in 100 years when independent historians will finally have the guts to label his Presidency as a complete failure.

But, if the legal system keeps getting upended by shitheads like the Obamas, nobody will be around 100 years from now.

I've got an idea.   Michelle is running around and promoting her memoirs which were only 10 percent written by her own hand.   In one of those interview sessions where Michelle is smiling underneath her Diahann Carroll wig, somebody should ask the question about the whole Smollett connection.  

But nobody will.   After all, an Obama spokesperson has already shot down the implication.

Of course, they did.

Dinner last night:  Had a big lunch so just a salad.

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