Thursday, April 18, 2019

My Wrist Hurts

After a year where my knees gave me a lot of problems, that situation has improved greatly.  

But, in life, you don't win.  You pray for a draw.   Note the growing bump in my left wrist.   Featuring pain that has gradually increased over the past two months.  Especially at night.

Of course, with knees still a little rickety, I have to use my wrists to raise myself from a chair.  Ouch!

Like I don't win.  You only tie.

I took my wrist to the orthopedic group I have dragged my knees to for years.  Naturally, there is a different doctor for every specific limb of the body.  My copious doctor took x-ray selfies and showed them to me.

"Well, you have some arthritis settling in."

Duh.  Who doesn't?

"But you see this spot here.  There's supposed to be something there but there's nothing."

Has the factory warranty on my hands expired?

She sends me for a MRI, which stands for "Maybe Really Injured."  She asks me if I banged my hand or fell on it.

Um, no.  Um, yes.  Er, maybe.

"This might be a torn ligament."

I went for the MRI and I have the results on a disc.  Unfortunately, my computer doesn't have a program that allows me to open it.   I will have to bring it to the doctor.

I hope for the best.   I expect the worst.   I'm sure the score will be tied.
In the meantime, I now sport this fashion accessory.  It's as if somebody got a hold of Kitty Carlisle's black evening gloves and cut out the fingers.

Good times.

Dinner last night:  Sandwich.

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