Thursday, May 16, 2019

And Here's Another Pet Peeve

Well, sometimes, it feels that way when you're on the 10 Freeway headed to Dodger Stadium.  Don't even try it during rush hour.  During those drives, you actually need to shave during it.   

But, on Mother's Day, you figure the only traffic you would hit going to the Dodger game could be coming from those folks headed out to see Grandma in Palmdale.    Yet, there it was.   A slowdown.   For no reason.

When you hit freeway traffic in Los Angeles, you want it to be for a good reason.   A major crack-up.   White sheets covering somebody or something in the road.   But, most of the time, the slowdown is precipitated by...well...nothing.   

And then you see there is a message on one of these electronic signs.   People literally slow down to read them.   Um, can't you folks multi-task?   I can certainly read the message and maintain my speed of 55 MPH.   But it happens all the freaking time here.   There's an electronic message warning you about DUI or motorcyclists sharing the road and traffic comes to a standstill.

Makes no sense, right?   Wrong.   I understand exactly why it happens.   Think about it a little bit.   You're smart.   I know you will come up with the answer.

You see, there's now a multitude of drivers out here in California who cannot read English.  And they are not encouraged to learn how to.   No attempts at assimilating into American society.   So, when an electronic message flashes at them, they have no clue what it says.   

So they immediately slow down.   Is there a wreck ahead?   A policeman hiding behind a sign?  A flooded road?   ICE at the next exit???  These people have no idea.   

Because they can't read English.   

See how easy that was to solve.   I would say 90 percent of the traffic jams in California are caused by drivers who have bothered to learn English.   But, you will counter with this argument.

How did they pass a written road test?

Well, it is likely they didn't.   And that's a pet peeve for another day.

Dinner last night:  Hamburger and pan roasted tomatoes.

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