Thursday, May 2, 2019

Morons of the Month - May 2019

Want to see just how far this country has fallen down the rabbit hole?   Just look at the caliber of assholes running for President in 2020.

The Democratic goal is to somehow unseat the big jerk currently in the White House.  Well, the choice is to replace him with one of twenty plus little jerks.  All of them, in their own lousy way, as despicable as can be.

This is what America has come.   A place where mediocrity is now an accepted norm.  We should demand greatness for our leadership.  Some will argue that the election of Donald Trump was the last straw.  I would counter that the last straws have been coming for the last sixty or so years.  And keep in mind that we do hit that inevitable last straw, it will be made of paper.

I mean, are we serious with this bunch of losers???

Bernie Sanders, a creepy 77-year-old socialist who is the equivalent of the crazy uncle nobody wants to sit next to on Thanksgiving.

Elizabeth Warren, who's been trying to pass herself off as a Native American.   I am closer to Pow Wow the Indian Boy than she is.

Joe Biden?   Okay, a nice guy but as dumb as a rock.

Cory Booker?   Um, have you see the city of Newark lately?

Kamala Harris?  Have you seen the state of California lately?  Seriously, anybody who has been involved in politics around the Golden State the last 30 years should be automatically removed from consideration for any federal job.

Mayor Pete???  Okay, that's like a pitch for a Norman Lear sitcom back in 1978.  A young gay mayor from the Midwest runs for President.   Laughs will ensue.

That Beto nut from Texas????  Lord, help us.

There are others.   They are all suspect at best.  We're just lucky that AOC, the taco waitress from the Bronx, isn't old enough yet.   In all seriousness, I do think that there's something mentally wrong with her.   Watch her actions.  Listen to how she speaks.   Bellevue, is there a patient missing?

So, here we are.   Morons on steroids and it will get a whole lot worse.   I pray for the day where this country finally has an independent third party of logic and reason.   Fiscally conservative and socially liberal.   I likely will not live to sit it.

So, in the meantime, everybody can embrace all these alternatives to Donald Trump.   They are morons.   But, then again, the real idiots are those who are actually considering a vote for them.

Good luck.

Dinner last night:  Lasagna.

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