Friday, July 5, 2024

A Fourth of July Parade of Bad Hair in Jail


Oh, my God!  They've arrested My Pretty Pony!
Arresting for impersonating a box of Crayolas.

The cover probably looked better on the tea kettle.
With those colors, I would say she goes to UCLA.  But, come on, folks.  A college student???
Mrs. Goofy, Goofy Grape.

Formerly employed as a Swifter Mop.
She comes with her own identification already emblazoned on her skin.  Like cattle.
Man?  Woman?  Cockroach?  Anybody?

Couldn't she have a skin blemish on the other side so she's at least symmetrical?

She looks like she got trapped in a tickertape parade.

Dinner last night:  Fried chicken sandwich at the Dodger game.

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