Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Comedy Royalty


When you think about the title of today's blog, you definitely have to include Gene Wilder in that group.   I mean, think about his IMDB page.

"The Producers."

"Blazing Saddles."

"Young Frankenstein."

"Stir Crazy."

These four alone get into that lofty category.   Okay, you're thinking.  Three of the four comes from Mel Brooks so Wilder has a good head start.   But, even with prized material, you've got to be good reading and acting what's on the page.

Indeed, the new Netflix documentary "Remembering Gene Wilder" does exactly that.   It nicely remembers Gene Wilder who, along with his talents, seemed to be a nice man.  This film is as linear and clinical as they come.   Each of his works, mainly the four above, are dissected to the Nth degree.   The good news is that one of the talking heads is Mel Brooks himself who elaborates on Gene the acting collaborator.

The documentary also covers in great detail his relationship and subsequent marriage to the wonderful Gilda Radner.   No new ground is covered but it's still great to see this loving relationship one more time as well as the wife Gene married after Gilda.   His struggles with dementia dominate the end of the film and you remember...and miss...Gene Wilder one more time.

Again, nothing new here.   But oh how we enjoy something old starring one Gene Wilder.

LEN'S RATING:  Three-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:   Italian sub from Jersey Mike's.

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