Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bye, Bob....Bye, Emily


Every once in a while, a celebrity death stings.   This one does, even though Bob Newhart, living to the age of 94, did not get cheated.  

But, indeed, the world did.   Here was a comic genius and, for all accounts, a nice man.

I used to see him in the super market.  I would smile.  He would smile back.  That's all that was needed.   Once, he and Don Rickles and their wives were sitting in a restaurant booth next to mine.   They all looked like nice people.

And, as the old guard of Hollywood, they were.

His stand-up routines...brilliant.  His two sitcoms...brilliant.   And, oddly, they were tied together for eternity in perhaps the most clever moment ever in TV history.  It never gets old to view again.

It was all a secret that nobody knew about or expected.   The studio audience caught on as soon as they saw the famous bed sheets.


Thanks, Bob, for everything.

Dinner last night:  Chicken salad.

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