Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Length of Blog Pieces

Having spewed my guts on these virtual pages since 2997, I had two people just ask me the same question.

"Is it my imagination or are your daily entries getting shorter?"

Um, like potato chips in the bag, yes, you are getting less these days.  Sorry.

It's not like I don't have anything to say or that I am being censored by Google police.  It's just that the processing of typing is damn uncomfortable these days.

You see, I suffer now from carpal tunnel syndrome.  Likely due to long blog pieces around 2008.  My left hand goes numb after a few months of typing.  

It's no fun when a limb grows cold.  Especially since I spend so much time on the computer every day.  Now there's a surgery for this and I will have it soon.   

Once my right knee replacement heals completely.   I can't sit too long either.

So, for today, I am signing off.  And now you know why.

Dinner last night:  BLT at Cafe 50s.

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