Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Do The Math


Here's a now iconic photo of Trump with his bullet-grazed ear.   How long before this becomes a T-shirt?

Now, despite your like or dislike for Trump, you should be appalled at what happened the other day.  Appalled, yes.  Surprised?  Come on.

Ah, America.   The golden nation.  The most civilized of the civilized cultures of the world.   

Uh huh.  

Have you given thought to how many of our Chief Executives have been either gunned down or perhaps wounded?   

Let's see...for out-and-out lethal bullets, you will find Abe Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and JFK on the deadly receiving end.  

For sheer wounding, you have Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan saying "ouch."

Bullets fired and missed were originally aimed at Andrew Jackson, Taft, FDR, Harry Truman and Gerry Ford 3 different times.

I count 11 different Presidents either killed or wounded or shot at.

There have been 46 different Presidents to date.   

Do the math.   And then think about this allegedly civil republic you dwell in.

Dinner last night:  Steak salad.

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