Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Moron of the Month - July 2024

 Okay, if you watched the debate the other night, you could nominate either of the candidates as a monthly moron.   I mean, look at the choice.

But I tend to look at things a little differently.  I'm certainly not a Trump-ite but no one could say that he at least conveyed the notion that he is mentally cognitive.  Let's face it, doctors and medical folks, regardless of their party affiliation, know that Joe has dementia and it's not the early stages.  The fact that he is still in this race is mind-boggling.   It is that evident.

So who is one of the main enablers in the President's world?

Yeah, it's the wife with the phony medical title.  And she's not letting him go with any dignity.  


Or is it...Dr. Moron.

Dinner last night:  Grilled veggie salad.

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