Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Did Not Follow Instructions"

You might have seen the video on TV.  A Delta Airlines jet is forced to land on just one wheel at JFK Airport.  If you have yet to experience this amazing raw footage, here it is.  Cue the control room.

Impressive, heh?

Well, let's really think about what's going on in that plane moments before the landing.  I've been in a similar situation, so I have first hand knowledge.

This situation didn't arise instantaneously so the flight crew had some time to prep the passengers.  First, they would be told to stow all their loose items.  Given that JFK is right near a body of water, they were likely told to remove their shoes, which would act as worthy anchors if they wound up in the drink.  And, as the flight attendant barks continuously in this video, everybody is advised to "keep your heads down."

Where in that very short procedurial description do you see the words "pull our your video cameras?"

One reporter called this footage "heroic."  Sure, the pilot and the rest of the airline personnel did their jobs heroically.  The passenger that filmed this?  I would ban them from air travel for the rest of their life.  Because, clearly, this numbskull did not follow instructions.

Okay, you could argue back that the person was scared and wanted to record his or her last moments.  Baloney!  The only thing they wanted to do was score a nifty moment on YouTube or Facebook.  I didn't hear on the soundtrack a heartfelt goodbye to Mom or Cousin Trudy in Bumfuk, Texas.

This was no 9/11 situation where cell phones were used to connect to loved ones for last words or even a glimmer of help or hope.  Nope, this was one dumb asshole who refused to follow instructions.

It all reminds me of a time where I landed very unceremoniously at JFK Airport.  We were making possibly the longest and slowest taxi to the gate.  Yet, one stupid son-of-a-bitch thought it was perfectly okay to stand up and get something out of the overhead luggage rack.

The guy was spotted immediately by a very efficient flight attendant who immediately phoned the captain.  And the pilot promptly stepped on the brakes and halted the plane. 

"Until the person standing sits down, I can not proceed with the taxi to the gate."

Boos cascaded all around the offending moron, who sheepishly sat down.  They have air marshalls to stop terrorists.  I say we expand their jurisdiction to all those who misbehave during a flight.

They would be my true heroes.

Dinner last night:  Grilled chicken cutlet with vegetable salad.

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