Thursday, September 23, 2010

Now I Know Who The Hell Jonathan Goldsmith Is

I've written a lot of explosive stuff in this blog. Things that, on a second look, made even me cringe.

But nothing I've done in three plus years of this nonsense has made me endure more beatings than my piece of Jonathan Goldsmith.


Don't get me started again. I just recently regained the feeling in my head, which has sustained repeated cyber blows from the irate comments of his fans.

Yes, the admirers of actor Jonathan Goldsmith. You all know who you are. And now I am beginning to wonder if the super-increased traffic to this blog might be a direct result of this guy's disciples Googling his name every hour of every day.

Okay, okay, I know who he is now. I didn't when he was accepting the cheers of adoring fans when he threw out the first ball at Dodger Stadium. And the screams that erupted every time his weather-beaten mug was shown on Diamondvision.

I got it. I got it. He's the actor who plays the Dos Equus guy in commercials. Certainly not more than a Trivial Pursuit question to me. But, apparently, a lot more to some of the readers of this blog. Welcome to the Day of the Locusts, 2010.

Let's see, after I insinuated that this guy really merited nothing despite the much ado, I have been virtually castrated. I'm stupid. I'm lacking of common sense. I'm a tool. If I were gay, I would know what all the hoopla was about.

And, jeez, I was worried about what I sometimes say about politicians in Washington? From the reaction I got on this goofball, you'd think I was Pontius Pilate on the day before Easter.

So, by including this dude's name one more time in Len Speaks, that's another hit that will happen on Sitemeter when his legions do their Google searches. And I'll take readers anyway I can get them. Even if they hate my guts for lambasting some banal character in a TV ad campaign.

Oh, shit, there I go again!

Wait till they hear what I think about that Old Spice guy on the horse.

Speaking of which, he was out at Dodger Stadium last Tuesday night. Here he is with Jamie Carroll and I wonder how much money our beloved infielder demanded to pose in a photo with this asshole, who also undoubtedly sports some kooky cult-like following.

Can this country sink any further in their endless adoration of complete and utter mediocrity?

We'll see how long it takes for the rocks to be thrown at me for these comments. Oops, here comes one now. Ow!

Dinner last night: Spaghetti and meatballs.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Celebrity these days doesn't mean you're talented and have accomplished great things. It just means you're on TV, in commercials or reality shows. Ugh!