Friday, October 28, 2011

If I Tweeted - October 2011

I don't.  But, if I did, this is what I would have wrote this month.

#LenSpeaks  Am I the only one who thinks that new Martin Luther King monument in Washington DC looks like what they did to Han Solo at the end of "Empire Strikes Back?"

#LenSpeaks  Sean Penn is talking about the Tea Party being racist.  Susan Sarandon says the Pope is a Nazi.  I guess their movie should have been called "Brain Dead People Talking."

#LenSpeaks  Does anybody really care about the political opinions of a celebrity?  

#LenSpeaks  I love that Ann Coulter called those slobs protesting on Wall Street "the Flea Party."

#LenSpeaks  They're "occupying" Wall Street.  Most have done nothing in their lives except "occupy" their mothers' basements.  

#LenSpeaks  Now that Gaddafi is dead, how long before he gets his own show on MSNBC?

#LenSpeaks  Can we finally pin down the correct spelling of the Libyan dictator's name?  There are like 109 variations in the press.

#LenSpeaks  Possible courtroom irony:  Lindsay Lohan, working in the morgue, perhaps dealing with some of Dr. Conrad Murray's dead patients.

#LenSpeaks  Hey, Aretha Franklin, I know you're sick and all, but that didn't even remotely sound like the National Anthem. Hasn't the city of Detroit endured enough? 

#LenSpeaks  I saw "9-9-9" in the press and I thought it was an unassisted triple play by a rightfielder.

#LenSpeaks  Can the press stop with the stupid headlines about Herman Cain?  "Cain Raises in Polls."  "Herman Tries to Prove Cain is Able."  Please make them stop.

#LenSpeaks  Is there anything more stupid than the "bye week" during the NFL season?  Indeed, the National Football League always seems to get a "bye" when it comes to being shown as greedy in the media.

#LenSpeaks  Who made the rule that newspaper puzzles had to be easiest on Mondays and hardest on Fridays?  Please let me know.

#LenSpeaks  The liver-spotted mess that is Morgan Freeman is another one of those actors who needs to keep his big bazoo shut about politics.  A year without seeing his ugly mug in a movie trailer?  That would be on my bucket list.

#LenSpeaks  The guy that killed Gaddafi was wearing a Yankee hat.  If a Phillie fan had gotten a hold of the dictator, he would have been dead three years ago.

#LenSpeaks  President Obama makes another fundraising visit to Los Angeles and destroys traffic across the street.  Usually, this is called a Sig Alert.  What can we call it now?  Wink wink.

#LenSpeaks  Go to Texas and people hate Rick Perry.  Go to Massachusetts and people hate Mitt Romney.  What does that say to you?

#LenSpeaks  I wonder if Cardinal manager Tony LaRussa gets paid by the pitching change.

#LenSpeaks  Since when do hotels not put out writing pads and pens?  How cheap can you get?

#LenSpeaks  I was in Boston 25 years to the day that the Red Sox imploded against the Mets in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series.  To commemorate the event, I will walk the street aimlessly like a zombie.

#LenSpeaks  While in LA, Obama got takeout food from Roscoe's Chicken N'Waffles.  Please insert your own joke here.

#LenSpeaks  That last line should be in a book that shows how to write the most perfect cliche.

#LenSpeaks  I thought the President's battle ax said we have to eat healthy.  Roscoe's is a heart attack with gravy.

#LenSpeaks   I passed by Occupy Boston.  Jerks in tents.  The way these protests will stop?  Snow and overnight temps below 32 degrees.

Dinner last night:  I was on a plane so a turkey sandwich courtesy of Boston's American Airlines Admirals Club.


Anonymous said...

Just read that Herman Cain's career highlight is working at Godfather's Pizza. And he's running for President on that? Oy!

Fun Typo Department: "I was on a plate..."

Anonymous said...

BTW. My review of Rickles is on Facebook.

Unknown said...

Not working at Godfather's pizza, he founded it and ran it. But a businessman is not going to be able to deal with the political pirranahs in Washington.