Friday, July 6, 2012

Hot and Muggy Shot July - Special Bad Hair Edition

Oh, my God!  They've arrested My Pretty Pony!
Arresting for impersonating a box of Crayolas.

The cover probably looked better on the tea kettle.
With those colors, I would say she goes to UCLA.  But, come on, folks.  A college student???
Mrs. Goofy, Goofy Grape.

Formerly employed as a Swifter Mop.
She comes with her own identification already emblazoned on her skin.  Like cattle.
Man?  Woman?  Cockroach?  Anybody?

Couldn't she have a skin blemish on the other side so she's at least symmetrical?

She looks like she got trapped in a tickertape parade.

Dinner last night:  Antipasto salad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who always makes me laugh? Black people under arrest.

Forget Halle Berry and Michelle Obama. These are the real black women of America, the ones with parole officers instead of publicists. No organic gardens for these gals. They've got crack pipes, forties, and eye-popping weaves. Criminals who take the time to get just the right hairdo before breaking and entering or shoplifting. Yo.