Thursday, March 14, 2019

What's All This Fuss About Michael Jackson??

Ah, yes, Michael Jackson's famous mug shot.  Captured in all of its bleached white skin glory.

The guy's been dead already for almost a decade now and it is big time back in the news.  This is all due to the fascinating HBO documentary called "Leaving Neverland."  You may have heard about it.   The two-part, four-hour saga tells the very linear, step-by-step, grope-by-grope story of Michael's renowned penchant for pedophilia.  Two victims come out as adults to give us their sad tales.

Okay, there's nothing that new with the allegations.   Jackson got off scott free because the jury system in our country is corrupt.  Still, he's an ultra-disgusting and mentally ill individual who is the direct by-product of a completely dysfunctional and screwed-up family.  Check out their history.   This is not your normal American family from Gary, Indiana.  

So, with the release of the HBO show, you have two divergent reactions.   The ardent fans of Michael and the family are incensed.  All lies!  Rush to judgment! How dare you sully our memory of this great artist???

On the flip side, there are radio stations now banning the play of his records as they are convinced that the Ben he was singing to was a ten-year-old boy and not a rat.

Okay, both directions of rage are ridiculous.   Heck, Michael was a sick son of a bitch, but I still enjoy some of his music and will continue to ask Alexa to play them.   I feel pain for the treatment these two guys endured for years.  I mean, they had no clue what they were dealing with, except that this was the so-called "King of Pop."  If you want to hear just how weird Jackson was, listen to some of the saved voiced mails he sent to these youngsters.   In one, he actually talks with a British accent for the duration of the call.   

But, still, there's a lot to see here and really nothing to see here.   Old news and definitely not fake.   But the one thing I really learned to appreciate from "Leaving Neverland" was the role of these boys' mothers in all of this.   Both of these women, while claiming they were ignorant to his actions, had to sense what was going on at Neverland.  They did nothing.   Instead, they enjoyed the red carpet treatment they were receiving from Jackson.   When there's a nice payout of privilege, I guess you overlook the fact that you're sleeping in a house where your nine-year-old son is in bed with a 34-year-old guy just upstairs.

How, as a parent, do you let that happen???

The mothers' role in this story was finally illustrated for me and that is the new information from this very old and predictable tale.

Regardless, check it out and be prepared for bile to back up in your system.

Dinner last night:  Leftover stuffed veal chop.

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