Thursday, July 11, 2019

Morons of the Month - July 2019

Nobody knew what the word meant two months ago.  Now everybody wants them.

Reparations.   For damage and pain suffered by ancestors due to slavery, persecution, and what not.

That idiot New Jersey Senator Cory Booker wants Black people to be paid for White people who used to own them.   I guess that's what Cory learned in Yale Law School.

Pow Wow The Indian Girl, AKA Elizabeth Warren, wants gay couples to be paid for their repression from getting married in the past.

That fat slob Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee talks about folks getting reparations for injustices centuries old.  Forget the fact that most of us today had nothing to do with those historical misdeeds.   Nope, we need to pay out our hard earned cash to atone for our sins.

Okay.   Well, if that's the case, I've got some suffering that I want to be compensated for as well.

I was one of five White kids in my third grade class.  I certainly could have enjoyed a little more racial parity when I was a kid.

Give me money.

I was the only child in my neighborhood who went to public school.  All my friends from Catholic school were off for holidays and playing in the street while I was in class.

Give me money.

There are days that I wish my parents had procreated another child or two so that I could have a brother or a sister.

Give me money.

I wore braces for three years and was called by some classmates "Buick Mouth."

Give me money.

My grandparents, who were German, got dirty looks from neighbors during World War II, or so my grandmother said.  

Give me money in honor of them.

I rooted for the New York Mets through a lot of horrible seasons.

Give me money.

I feel bad for many of my Italian friends who were labeled "gangsters" because of their heritage.

Give them money when you give me my money.

I really miss "Knots Landing."

Give me money.   

I loved Hostess cakes when I was a kid.   How dare they make products that make you gain weight?

Give me money.

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses when I was young in school.   "Four Eyes!"

Give me money.

I lived through several blizzards and hurricanes.

Give me money.

I can't buy the full line of Entermann's baked goods here in Los Angeles.

Give me money.

I could go on and on and on.


You see how this works.   Think this is silly?

I agree.   But thank your fellow morons.   Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Sheila Jackson Lee and any of the other frauds who are talking about reparations these days.

Dinner last night:  Leftover sausage, peppers, and onions.

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