Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Wait! What??!! - August 2021


It's been a long time since we added a new monthly feature to this blog.   But, given all the lunacy around us (particularly on a government level), it is time to highlight this craziness every thirty days or so.

Welcome to...

Wait!  What??!!

You may have heard this last week even if you choose to avoid the news like I do.  There's some piece of trash who's a House Representative from Missouri, which is fast becoming the left armpit of America.   We might as well let Cori speak for herself.  And forgive me for exposing you to one of the stupid talking heads of MSLSD.

Wait?  What??!!

So this overgrown baboon is all for making laws that say you cannot get evicted if you can't pay your rent because of the pandemic.


Does this idiot realize that rental home landlords are not always the super rich or privileged?   How about the woman who owns the condo I rent?   Or I have a friend who has been renting out his condo apartment to somebody for several years.  All of a sudden last spring, the guy stopped paying his rent.   Why?  Because some California governmental dodo said he didn't have to.  Now my friend has to jump through hoops to get his bills paid.

Now Cori Bush also says that, because of COVID, everybody should be exempt from utility bills.  Forget the fact that millions of me that did not include me got hefty stimulus checks for pain and suffering.  Meanwhile, somebody I know who works at a Target in the SF area told me his store ran out of 60 inch television sets the week after the stimulus hit the mail trucks.

Oh, and to make matter worse, Cori Bush also wants money removed from police forces.   But added that it's okay for taxpayers to pay for her security detail because, after all, she gets death threats all the time.

I can't imagine why.


Dinner last night:  Salad.

1 comment:

Puck said...

Even better: Bush put up a video with a woman and three kids that were said to be her daughters, saying she'd lost her job and was going to be evicted. CNN aired story. A GoFundMe page raised $200,000. Turns out it was a scam -- the kids weren't hers and don't live with her. Bush helped CNN get played by a grifter.
