Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Big Fat Payload


Everybody was talking about it last week.

I wasn't.  Who the fuck cares??

Yep, Amazon head honcho Jeff Bezos took another Six Flags ride into outer space and this time he took Star Trek's William Shatner with him.

Sadly, it was a round trip.   

Does anybody really give a damn about this?   He's the first actor into space.  Or the first ham.  Take your pick.   Shatner cried upon return.   I cried because he did.   I was never a Star Trekkie.   And I definitely was never a fan of bad acting.

This is the new toy for the Amazon guru and I can't think of a bigger waste of money than having regular citizens pays $250,000 for an 11-minute voyage into space.   And the three minutes of weightlessness.   And when you think about Shatner and his fat ass, that's an awful lot of weightlessness.

It's not like these idiots are doing this to research space travel or anything remotely useful.   They are just filling their bucket-size egos and there's nobody with a bigger opinion of himself than Jeff Bezos who is the one person in the world to benefit financially the most from the recent pandemic.  I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Bezos is the one who had the Chinese virus leaked in the first place.

And yes, I did call it the Chinese virus.  Last I heard, it didn't start in Coney Island.

Media was agog at all of this nonsense.   I was not.   And, again, I ask the question.

Why a round trip?

Dinner last night:  Leftover chicken, tomatoes, and capers.

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