Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Are You Happy Now?


I was thinking this could be one of my "Moron of the Month" posts.   But the 44th President of the US is hardly stupid.  Indeed, he is diabolical.  Perhaps we could nominate him as...

Villain of the Century.

Yes, I just wrote that.   Because he is.   The elder statesman, frequently sainted.   A doppelganger for TV's Benson, this guy has been incorrectly revered for years.  And, in light of recent events that he has commented on, I respectfully ask a lot of my friends a single question.

Are you happy now?

If you're a Jewish liberal, you probably have second thoughts given his recent anti-Israel remarks.   They got publicized for a change.   Of course, his donation of millions of dollars to Iran on his last days in the White House did not.   But, trust me, the sinisterness has been there all along.   He got your vote because you did not bother to do your homework.

I continue.

If you're a Hollywood writer or actor, you proudly voted for this scumbag not once, but twice.  Now, in recent days, you may have heard that Barry O has been championing AI as designated by Old Man Biden.   The same AI that you have been fighting against in those strikes that have crippled the industry.   POTUS 44 doesn't give a rat's ass how this will impact your careers.   

And, yes, you voted for him.  With glee.  And mix in that he and his plump sow of a wife have a ten million dollar deal with Netflix and several other production studios...the very people you were picketing.

Are you happy now?   

Every day and in every way, we are learning that this guy is not a friend of yours or mine.   He and "his wife" are the very elitists you allegedly detest.

Don't you wish you paid more attention fifteen years ago?

Dinner last night:  Leftover BBQ ribs.

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