Thursday, November 2, 2023

National Lampoon's The Graduate


And the title of today's blog will be explained.  Here's a movie review of something that came out early in the summer but that I just got around to seeing on Netflix.

Why I saw it is beyond me.

First off, let's discuss the film's star, Jennifer Lawrence.   Now here is somebody who has already won an Oscar and gotten nominated a few other times.   You would think that this would make her extremely picky in choosing film projects.

Apparently not.   Because this movie is a dreary, raunchy mess that features a performance by Lawrence that is so over-the-top, you want her Oscar statue revoked.

"No Hard Feelings" is set in Montauk, Long Island.   Lawrence has lived in her family's house all her life but can no longer afford on her salary as an Uber driver.  When her car is confiscated, she can't even do that job.   It leads her to a rich couple who, in advance of their son going off to Princeton in the fall, want to prepare him for college by getting him laid.  Nice parents.   Dad is played by Matthew Broderick and his long COVID hair do makes him look like Ben Franklin.

Well, anyway, if Lawrence does the deal, she gets a new Buick.  Despite the fact that she's 33 and the kid is barely 19.   Of course, the boy is super innocent and begins to have feelings for her, not knowing that his folks are behind this merger.  Meanwhile, by halfway through the picture, they still haven't done the deed.  But it is dirty and raunchy nonetheless and Lawrence plays her role like a common slut.

And then the film makers shift gears as if they suddenly developed a conscience.  Suddenly, Lawrence has a heart of gold and you actually root for this relationship.   The tone switch is so jarring that you need a chiropractor to repair the damage to your nervous system.   It renders the whole movie completely ridiculous and a waste of your time, not to mention mine.

And the final insult.   They never do fuck.

LEN'S RATING:  One-half star.

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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