Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Len's Recipe of the Month - August 2018

I'm still in a pickle.

Yep, fresh off my July recipe where I pickled some cherry tomatoes, I did the unimaginable.

I pickled some pickles.   It is so easy and the biggest challenge with this recipe is waiting a couple of days for the pickles to get...well...pickled.

If you like the bread and butter variety, read on.   If you like your pickles sour, come back tomorrow.

You probably could use a quart-sized Mason jar, but I had two of the smaller.  Get an English cucumber (they have wonderful flavor) and slice it with your mandolin.  Watch those fingers when you get down to the nub.

Divide the slices into two of the smaller jars.   Mince a clove of garlic for each jar.   

In a saucepan, mix the following:

A tablespoon of dill weed, minced.

A tablespoon of Kosher salt.

A cup and a 1/4 of apple cider vinegar.

A half cup of sugar.

Mix it altogether and bring it to a boil until the salt and sugar dissolve.   Pour it into the jars and cover the pickles.

Refrigerate and try to resist opening them for at least four days.


Dinner last night:  Leftover sausage, peppers, and onions.

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