Thursday, August 16, 2018

Your Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Update

Because it's probably been a few hours since you last heard the update on this complete and utter screwball.  

She's the wunderkind of the Democratic Party.  28 years old and here to save the party and/or mankind.  She made her grand entrance into our worlds two months ago when she unseated some old time politician in the Bronx for an upcoming House seat.   

Now she is the face of the Democratic Party and people are clamoring to hear what she is going to say next.   

Um, nothing much.   When you digest what she has to say, it's the pablum that is injected into all young people these days from an ultra-left wing college faculty...namely socialism.   You know the drill.  Free college education for all.  Free health care for all.  

Free.  Free.  Free.

At the end of the day, our population is at its core a capitalist one.  We enjoy the benefits of that type of society.   And, when you get right down to it, we probably are a voting public just slightly right of center.   Meanwhile, nitwits like this Ocasio-Cortez chick are so out of touch with life and history that they don't have the slightest notion of how anything works.   

But I know that she's really nothing but an upcoming political fraud and here's why.   

She's already believing her own hype.

Two weeks ago, she hosted a fund raiser in Los Angeles.   I am embarrassed to say that I actually have two friends who went to see her.  And paid almost thirty bucks to hear her bloviate about things she is ill-equipped to do.   

Now, when you look at a map of our nation, you will see that California is almost 3000 miles away from the Bronx, which is the spot she should be focusing on.

Yep, she's not even elected yet and she's already blowing off her constituents to line her potential war chest for future conquests.   You see, as it is with most politicians these days, it's not about doing the job.   It's all about getting the job, keeping the job, and simultaneously looking for a better one.  

I can't wait for this little punk to be exposed for what she is.  No different than anybody else.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to "unfollow" two friends on Facebook.

Dinner last night:  Had a long travel day so nothing really.

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