Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Morons of the Month - August 2018

The calendar flips to another month and so let's get the next round of stupidity out of the way early.   A brand of lunacy that began up in San Francisco, which is the international capital for moronic behavior.   Now its Southern California edition is centered in Santa Monica, which runs a close second when it comes to dummies, especially those of the elected quality.

Yes, let's talk about those blasted electric scooters.   Not sure if you're seeing this crap in your neck of the country, but we are here in LA, especially on the west side of town.  You'll see these scooters, from the Bird and Lime lines, littered all over the streets and sidewalks.  Just aimlessly left to be picked up by the next rider.   Or whoever at these companies is charged with rounding them up at night.

Here's how this phenomenon works.   There's an app.   Yes, there's always an app.  If you want to electronically scoot from one place to another, you hit the app and find the closest available scooter near you.   The fee is nominal.  This is a hugely stripped down version of Uber or Lyft.  When you're done with the scooter, you just leave it somewhere out on the street.

How easy.  How fucking ridiculous.  As if the motorists don't have enough to worry about with illegal aliens driving without licenses and those dreaded bicyclists who never ever obey normal traffic laws.   Now you have to worry about these idiots darting around traffic.

Now there are some regulations to be a "scooter."  You must wear a helmet.  PS, I have yet to see one of those.  (One such clown is picture up above)  You are not allowed on sidewalks.  PS, I see that all the time.  You have to obey traffic laws.   PS, I have already seen several run-ins with either cars or pedestrians.   

Naturally, this whole thing has been embraced by the tree and politician hugging millennial.  They are coerced into believing that they are making life better by reducing the number of cars on the road.   The local governments around here love this for some reason, even though most political leaders in Los Angeles tool around in Range Rovers.  I believe the government feels that, if they can reduce 10% of the gas-absorbing vehicles on the road, this is a win win.

Yet, another reason why I hate most all politicians and have now moved even closer to Libertarianism.   Sorry, you civic leaders, you don't always know what is right for us.   In fact, I can count on all of you to know exactly what is the worst scenario for us.   Let's face it, this is a state that has led the way for the legalization of cannabis for purely medical reasons.   Yeah, right.

So, we are now overrun with scooters.   There will be soon some major fatalities and some poor schlump of a motorist will be tarred and feathered as a result.  Meanwhile, the carcasses of dead Birds are all over town and that sight is almost as sickening as the homeless encampments that are on every single corner.

If you want to see just how ridiculous this all is, I invite you to search Instagram for the "birdgraveyard" site.  That will complete the story in pictures for all of you.

In the meantime, our worlds in Los Angeles are cluttered just a bit more.  And, at the heart of it, are some moronic politicians who think they know best.   They are truly in La La Land.   And I mean that literally.

Dinner last night:  Sausage and peppers at the iPic.

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