Thursday, September 17, 2020

Big Brother Is Watching

And so is my apartment building complex thanks to some nifty surveillance cameras.   Who knew that I would be able to follow up my Tuesday blog entry about the thug who broke in and ripped off our mailboxes last weekend so soon?   But here you go.   A photo of the thief at the front door.

And it's a thief-ess.  I'm so thrilled that women are getting the opportunity to commit crimes just as much as their husbands, brothers, and baby daddies.

So let's examine this slob a little closer.   Obviously, she eats at least four weekly meals at McDonald's.   The ski hat has a pompom on top.   Or maybe that's a rainbow sprinkle donut.   Hard to tell as high definition on hidden cameras is not always available.

Moving down her ample torso and we see some nifty bling on her wrists.  A-ha.  She is obviously very good at what she does.   Probably "commutes" to the nice neighborhood from some other hood which features Maxine Waters as their Congressperson.  

My guess is that there was a getaway car driven by her husband, brother, or Baby Daddy.  No doubt a high-end car that I can't afford.   Perhaps adorned with a "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker.

And, wait, there's bonus footage.  You want to see this hopefully-future-COVID-19-victim (well, she's not wearing a mask) actually rifle through our mailboxes.
Not exactly a great angle unless you really like to look at a really fat ass.  Luckily, I had emptied my box the previous evening.   I doubt she would have enjoyed my mail anyway.   Last week's edition of "Variety."

The police have all this information but I'm sure she's not a local.   Crooks never are.

My fervent hope is that next month I get to include her in my regular gallery of mug shots.


Dinner last night:  Leftover tri-tip.

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