Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How Does Crime Pay These Days?

Well, these thugs are all from Newark, New Jersey...one of my many armpits in this country in 2020.   So proud of you, Cory Booker.

One of the other armpits these days is my home of Los Angeles.   Mayor Eric Garcetti is truly lucky.   If it were not for the existence of Bill DeBlaseo in NY, little Eric would be officially the dumbest mayor in the United States.   For now, he has to settle for second place.   But you never know.

In major cities, criminals are running rampant.   Jails have turned into Courtyard Marriotts.   Police are afraid to respond to any call for fear it will turn into some altercation where they will be ultimately condemned for doing their job.   To quote that guy from "Hill Street Blues," we all "should be careful out there."

And that includes my neighborhood which has been hit with a rash of crimes lately.   A lot of this could be due to the fact that we are knee deep in homeless encampments.   Since they can't get Netflix in their tents, they go elsewhere for their amusement.

The other night, it was my block and all the apartment buildings on it.   At 4AM, one engineering bum decided to break into the lobbies.   He tried next door first and that was easy as their front door is nothing but glass.   Now that's one dumb Homeowners Association.

For my building, he actually had to use a crowbar.   This turned out to be a useful device as he also needed it to pry open the mailboxes in the lobby.  Luckily, all mine had was this week's edition of Variety.

During the strum and drang of the morning after, I thought about this mailbox thief.   What possibly could he be looking for?   There are no welfare checks anymore, simply EBT cards.   People don't really get money sent to them in the mail.   

I had to put myself in the mind of this common thief.   Not an easy task.  Okay, what am I looking to rip off?

Prescription drugs sent mail order.   I always thought this was a stupid idea but some medical insurance plans really push this convenience.   And it's perfect for a quick drug haul.

Okay, credit card bills.   Got it.   Account numbers are on pretty much every piece of mail we get these days.   

Then I thought about those 20% Bed Bath and Beyond coupons.  Ah!  Heck, I would steal for those myself.

Okay, I really wouldn't.   But in 2020, you really have to get inventive about how crime can pay.   Isn't progress grand?

Dinner last night:  Steak salad.

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