Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hollywood Then and Now - September 2020

Nestled in the hills just over Beverly Hills is Mayberry.   Well, at least the fishing hole/lake where Sheriff Andy and Opie whistled their way to that day's catch.  Since "The Andy Griffith Show premiered in September of 1960, that would make this the sixth anniversary.   Six decades since the above opening shot was staged.

A little research on the internet that prevails in 2o2o and you can still find the location where this all happened.   Not in the country, but right near a full blown city.

Franklin Canyon Park stood in for the fishing hole.   And, today, it looks amazingly the same.

Sadly, the actual lake itself has virtually dried up.   What in California hasn't?

But history can still be found if you look for it.

Dinner last night:  Barbecued chicken thigh and salad.

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