Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Oy Vey

Boy, I hope my social media friends mourn me as much when I pass on.   Over this past weekend, you couldn't sign on to any computer without hearing some virtual sobbing and wailing over the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.   It literally did not stop for three solid days.   One Facebook friend called her passing "untimely."


She was 87 and lived with all sorts of cancers for the past ten years.  As it was, she shriveled away to such a point that she could probably be buried in a cigar box.  Um, untimely??

Well, the timing is ridiculous because it dovetails the Presidential election and, since Ginsburg was pretty vocal in her vitriole of Trump, this replacement pick will get damn ugly.   If you thought the fight over the last Justice (Cavenaugh) was horrific, you ain't seen nothing yet, folks.

But, for now, we weep because we are now...gag...Ruth-less.   Instagram posts are adorned with her portrait as if she was some sort of super model.  Please make it stop.  It's not like she was Marilyn Monroe.

Okay, I salute her for the time on the bench and the various empowering statements she gave to women and girls.   And, allegedly, she was a trusted colleague with all the other Justices.  Good for her.

That said, she was essentially a screwball leftist who used her seat to forge through legislation that is of no business to the Supreme Court.  But, in reality, she was simply following precedents previously set.   

Ginsburg's death reminds me all over again of how totally bankrupt the Supreme Court has become in America.  Oh, in concept and theory, it should work as the founding fathers established it.   But, like most things in this country, politics stuck its beak in.  Woodrow Wilson was the first to figure out how to pack the court with like-minded folks and use it for his own purposes.   FDR was the one who took that notion to a higher art form.   And SCROTUS (I know it's misspelled) has been a mess ever since.

So, sitting Presidents get to pick and they like to put their own ideology in a seat when they can.   That goes for both Democrats and Republicans, both equally guilty of such offenses.   And the approval process each time becomes a shit show.   This next one will be off the charts.

Of course, it was noted that Ginsburg wanted her replacement to be another screaming liberal.   But timing is everything.   Had she really wanted that to happen, I would have suggested that she step down while Barack Obama was still President and the getting was, as they said, good.   But, no, she hung onto the seat like it was the last kosher dill pickle at the deli.  

And now we have yet another fine mess for all of us.

Dinner last night:  Leftover Chinese food.

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