Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Here's The Beef


I have mentioned here before that I don't like Netflix.   A lot of their content is junk and I can't stand the fact that they dump all the episodes of a series at once.  Whether you want to or not, you feel compelled to watch all eight or ten episodes in one weekend.   This leaves you pained and exhausted, sort of like eating ten bags of fried pork rinds in one sitting.

But, unfortunately, I am human and got sucked into yet another Netflix binge.  This came about when I was at a recent house party and one of the guests innocently asked a question.

"Have you watched Beef?"

Um, no.  Stupid me.  I thought it was a food competition.  But I was interested enough to look into the logline the next day and decided to test it out.

And then I ate ten bags of fried pork rinds.  I blew through ten episodes of the show within several days as if it was the next season of the sorely missed "Ozark."  I actually got angry with myself, but, then again, "Beef" is all about anger.  And reaching deep down into our own psyches.  I mean, who hasn't experienced a bit of road rage?

Yes, that's what "Beef" is all about.  Two Asians in Los Angeles "collide" on the road.   She is a successful businesswoman with a husband and child.  He is a down-on-his-luck handyman.  A driving altercation brings out the worst in both of them.  And this chance encounter spirals into an elongated and even violent argument, coupled with fits of sinister revenge.

Since I myself have noticed a lot of automobile aggression on the roads of LA and NY of late, this tale really hit a cord with me.  And, from some of the word of mouth, others as well.   "Beef" might be the right show with the right mood at the right time.  The story and acting is impressive.   

The only downside is the final episode that concludes what probably is just Season 1.  I know what the writer/director was trying to achieve with the ending, but it comes off flat.  

So, indeed, the tenth bag of fried pork rinds...not as good as the first nine.

Dinner last night:  Leftover pizza.

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