Thursday, January 18, 2024

Mediocrity On Steroids


Whoops.  What happened here?

You may have heard about this on the news.   An Alaska Airlines door broke in the early stages of flight.   Unlike Van Heflin in the movie "Airport," nobody got sucked to their death.   Somebody actually found the door in their backyard.   And, oh, yeah, they also found a passenger's cell phone...still working.

Now I am sure this is aberration.  A quirk in design.   A faulty nut or bolt.   The odds of this happening are a billion to one.

Or are they?

You see, I am of the opinion that you are going to see this happening more and more.   In cars.  Buses.  Trains.   Or anything really that requires engineering to be superlative and flawless.  Back in the day, companies hired the best of the best to do their maintenance.   The best person got the job.

Not so much anymore.   In our D-E-I world, qualifications often take a back seat to employment quotas.   Wait!  We don't have enough women.  Or Blacks.  Or Asians.  Or transgendering folks.  You see, those requirements come first.   Then they will take into account someone's skills on a secondary basis.

You think I'm kidding?   It's now happening in doctor's offices and hospitals, too.  As well as the United States Postal Service.   You may have read about my frustrations there in a previous blog post.  

This has become a nation no longer of excellence.  It is a country where mediocrity is not only welcomed, but strived for.

And the toilet bowl flushes one more time.

Dinner last night:  Leftover beef bourguignon.

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