Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What Passes for Journalism

 I get the Los Angeles Times every morning.  For the news and the columnists?  Nah.  For Blondie and the Sudoku puzzle.   Otherwise, this once great publication is nothing but a daily newsletter for the Democratic Party.

The absolutely perfect illustration of this came a week or so ago when their second section featured an incredibly and exhaustive look at what Vice President Kamala Harris and our dopey First Gentleman do when they choose to spend a weekend at their Brentwood home.   It was perhaps the most laughable story ever published with lots of photos attached.  Allegedly candid snapshots that likely required hours to stage.

For instance, take a look at the one above.  The two idiots take a leisurely stroll through the nabe, waving to neighbors.  More likely she's signaling to the Secret Service or her limo driver.  The neighbors are stuck in their cars probably blocks away behind a police barricade which normally occurs when Harris comes home to rest from her Washington job of doing absolutely nothing.

The LA Times had other glimpses as well.   The couple dining casually at El Cholo in Santa Monica.  Probably after the restaurant was locked down for a few hours. Oh, and there was another shot of Kamala checking out some fresh produce at a local farmer's market.  As if this stooge actually knew how to boil some broccoli.

What the hell was any of this doing in the local paper except to act as the false validation that Harris and her family are just normal folks like you and me.  This article and the accompanying illustrations were actually insults to anybody with half a brain in their heads.

How stupid do they think we are?   Sadly, probably very.

Dinner last night:  Leftover beef bourguignon.

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