Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Moron of the Month - December 2019

In the holiday season, here's a hypothetical question for you.   What would you rather find this Christmas?  Coal in your stocking?   Or Nancy Pelosi at your holiday table?

I have a suggestion.   Take the coal every time.

Indeed, the GIF that adorns the top of this entry probably is what Nancy would look like without the copious amounts of plastic surgery she has endured.  While the face is frightening, it is her continuing career that is most scary.

She's been moron-ized here before and it's at least a good thing that she is so consistent in that area.   Nothing has really changed about this wretched human being.   She's the quintessential phony politician.   The San Francisco area she represents in the House is in ruins, covered with the droppings of crap and needles from the resident homeless.   She lives in a million dollar home.  Her children are millionaires.   And she is so non-bi-partisan that it is laughable.  The good news is that she's pushing 80 so life is likely dwindling down for this old hag.

But what gets her this new recognition as this month's Moron?  Well, it happened last week during one of her many "Impreach Trump" tirades.   A reporter asked her whether she hated the President.  

Nancy responded that she hates no one.  How dare anybody ask her that question given her standing as a good Catholic?!


It's not the first time that Pelosi has covered up some of her more vile traits by playing the Catholic card.  Indeed, she uses her religion as a convenience.   She trots it out when she needs it.

Except she keeps it hidden whenever the topic of abortion or any Planned Parenthood issues come up.  The Good Catholic designation gets put away in the drawer on those occasions.

Nancy Pelosi is the true model for most politicians in America these days.  Concerned only with her party's talking points.   And doing little else.   The sooner we are rid of the likes of her, the better.

I can say that since, after all, I am a good Protestant.

Dinner last night:  Sausage and peppers pizza at Stella Barra.


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