Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Poor Slob

You know, sometimes I can't top the cleverness I find in the morning paper.

If my grandmother were alive today, she would say that John Edwards has some crust. That must be the German expression for "chutzpah." And that's the Yiddish word for "pure gall."

This fraud just got $55,000 to give a speech at UC Davis. Cheez Marie, I know people who earn less than that in a year and produce more output to boot.

But, the real kicker is the topic of said oration.

"Poverty, the Great Moral Issue Facing America."

If you were a poor student who wanted to listen to this knucklehead, you got a price break. $17 per ticket.

This comes on the heels of the reports that Edwards made nearly $500,000 as a consultant to a hedge fund involved in working sub-prime mortgages for the poor. When asked why he took such a position, Little Johnny replied that he wanted to learn how financial markets relate to poverty.

And let's not forget that this clown got his start as a lawyer chasing ambulances all over the Midwest.

He makes teary-eyed campaign speeches about the sadness of "Two Americas." But, he certainly likes being part of one of them. Look no further than his new 28,000 square foot house with six bathrooms and his $400 haircuts.

It's the same double talk we get from all politicians, whether they are Red, Blue, or Yellow.

Should we begrudge Edwards for making a living? Absolutely not. I am sure he's delighted he's not poor. But, my friend, stop making a buck reminding everybody lse that they are.

Dinner last night: chicken tenders prior to an Arclight screening of Shrek the Third.

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