Tuesday, September 4, 2007


In my ten years as a Los Angeleno (sounds like something on the menu at El Cholo), I had to adapt some of my driving skills. You'll be happy to know that I have not yet ascribed to the lighter use of a car horn as exhibited by my fellow SoCal motorists. I am a New Yorker. If you sit with your thumb up your ass at a green light, you will get my horn. Loud and clear and long.

To get a California driver's license, I had to get re-tested. One of the things they stress in the manual is what to do when you hear sirens coming from whatever direction. You are told to immediately stop moving forward. If you can, you should pull over to the right side of the road as far as you can. I obey this rule dutifully. So, too, do almost 99% of the drivers around me. When an ambulance or fire truck is heard, traffic comes to a standstill. A good rule.

It's been ages since I took a driver's test in New York. I can swear this same rule was in place there as well. Yet, on my recent visit to New York, there were two separate occasions when I heard the wail of an approaching siren. I did what I would do if I were on Wilshire Boulevard. I pulled over to the right and stopped. And that action prompted a bunch of angry stares from other drivers. They sped forward, apparently oblivious to the world. I actually saw a couple of dopes speed up to get through an intersection before the emergency vehicle came through. I was mystified by the insensitivity.

Say what you want about the goofballs driving in Los Angeles. But, it's clear to me that horrible drivers come in all coasts.

Dinner last night: Used my Dodger prize of an Islands gift card for their BLT sandwich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you like BLT's and I know you do. I would like to suggest you have one at "Blue Plate" on Montana in SM. Yummy!