Friday, February 5, 2010

Awkward Is as Awkward Does

More photos that were better off being undeveloped. Take, for instance, the one above. Er, the guy in the green gym shorts. What exactly is going on with him at this very moment?

She always gets into his head.

It might be me, but I always love a good nun-on-stilts act.

Yeeeesh! Does Eddie Bauer even carry pants with that length?

Something borrowed, something blue, something stinks, is it you?

Have we told lately that we have a pool? No, really, have we? Because we do. We have a pool. Really. A pool.

Why do I think that Dad doesn't necessarily stop with churros?

Dinner last night: Leftover turkey meat loaf.


Your Noochness said...

Picture #1 absolutely KILLS ME..
Len where do you find these pictures.. They are all great!
Thanks for sharing..
Your Noochness!

Anonymous said...

Churros? AWESOME!

Where's the churro for Chris?

Nothing encourages me more to be a hermit than these pictures of a demented human race. I'm going back to my cave.

Anonymous said...


Those are Disney churros.

Rhubarb Pie said...

Look at the first picture again. Then look at the far right and look at "Grandma". Where is she looking? Right at "green gym shorts".

That's really not a good visual!!

Anonymous said...

The whole family's insane. Green shorts is serial killer material coupled with a heavy dose of pedophile.

Anonymous said...

I also can't stand the matching towels family and their smug wife who thought it would be cute to wrap the brood and smile for the camera. Was this their Christmas card photo?

She has this much time on her hands? Push her in the pool!

Anonymous said...

And another thing.

Last photo: churro fellatio.