Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If You've Had Enough of Washington, DC....

The other day, while Washington and all the assholes who inhabit the Federal buildings were besides themselves with the passage of the health care reform bill, I decided to get my mind as far away from it as possible.

By watching the wonderful "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

When you juxtapose the message of this classic film from 1939 with the absolute idiocy of our perpetually corrupt government today, you discover that director Frank Capra was a prophet. Because you could easily interchange the film's central fight with the battle today. A pork barrel dam project that destroys Willet Creek. A health care reform bill that will destroy our nation's future. One in the same, folks.

And, in the movie, the political animals like Jim Taylor and Joe Paine who concoct one crooked deal after another for their own personal gain are really no different than the slaphappy thugs of the Obama Administration. Rahm Emanuel, the satanic Nancy Pelosi, other Democrats who flipped their vote and their conscience at the drop of a hat? No different. I was astounded by the parallels.

Just to give equal time, you could perhaps connect the same dots to other morally bankrupt administrations. Haldeman, Erlichman, and Mitchell, anybody? The list could go on and on. For a country that is allegedly as great as ours, we sure do have a lousy knack for electing the worst of the worst to our most important offices.

So, just where is Senator Jefferson Smith, essayed beautifully by Jimmy Stewart, when you really need him? A true patriot who fights for the people. And realizes he represents his constituency and not his own interests. Frankly, we will never see the likes of Jeff Smith ever again. Certainly not with the bunch of rat bastards trolling the back alleys of Pennsylvania Avenue these days. If there is a Senator Smith in our future, his arrival will probably be too late.

Let's face it, fellow citizens. There are no great leaders anymore. There are only empty shells of men. Concerned only with keeping a job once they get it. Sure, there are long agendas, but none of the items listed have anything to do with you and me. They're all hollow. Every single one of them. Indeed, the President himself is nothing more than a city councilman with a big ego and little substance.

Truth be told, I can remember the glorious celebration of this nation's bicentennial. I certainly won't be around for the tricentennial, but I doubt I will miss much. I'm guessing there won't be much to celebrate. Indeed, there will be little left of the nation that Frank Capra envisioned seventy years ago.

Watch this movie now. Tell me you don't agree. I'd love to plunk down twenty bucks for an extra copy to send to our esteemed POTUS. Heck, maybe I can go over and watch it with him. Sharing one of those beers he likes to hoist. But, my guess is that it would be tough to pull him away from checking out his NCAA brackets on Sportscenter.

And another truth be told, I doubt this clown even gives a shit. And who can blame him? No one else has.

And shame on every single one of them.

Dinner last night: Salisbury steak and broccoli.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have we ever had worse or dumber elected officials? The governors of New York and California. The Mayor of Los Angeles. The numerous black mayors, all of whom get indicted. And our Amateur President.

Is that Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln vomiting at Mount Rushmore?