Friday, November 3, 2017

The Mugs of November 2017 - Special Election Day Issue

Because when it comes to politicians, there's an endless supply of police records.
 Rick Perry.
 John Edwards
 Rod Blagojevich.
 One of the dumbest human beings to ever exist.   Totally revered in 2017.
 Here comes the Watergate crowd.  John Mitchell.
 John Ehrlichman.
 HR Haldeman.  Modeling Farrah slacks.
 Bernard Kerik.
 Marion Barry.   Couldn't find the mug shot so this photo will have to do.
 For those dreamers on one side of the aisle...
 For those dreamers on the other side of the aisle.
Should be arrested for breaking health care in this country.

Dinner last night:  Leftover lasagna.

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