Thursday, July 8, 2021

Moron of the Month - July 2021


So, Bill Cosby is out of prison.   Uh oh, young ladies, watch out.  And be careful what you drink when he's around.  I mean, this bastard is essentially the guy who invented date rape.

But, kicking the Jell-o Meister is so old school.  Nope, the asshole we want to focus on today is Phylicia Rashad who played his wife for years on that dopey sitcom.   If you want to see the perfect illustration of a complete ignoramus, take a look at her head shot.

Last week, on the day that the moronic Pennsylvania Supreme Court let their comic felon out from behind bars, Phylicia immediately jumped onto social media and wildly cheered that this travesty of justice was finally overturned.  Travesty of justice??  Come on, sister, this is not the case of another Black man wrongly accused.   

Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY knows about Cosby's exploits going back fifty years.  Even I, in my universe several planets away, know the stories.

In a NY writer's workshop some years ago, the former Cosby show runner told my writing partner and I that every rumor you heard was true.

A good friend of mine, now deceased, was the executive producer of "A Different World" so he knew Cosby as well.   He had several dinner meetings with Bill.  There was always a woman with him.   It was not Mrs. Cosby.  Nor was it his assistant taking notes on the meeting.   

And those are just the most prominent stories I have.  There are more.

So, for Phylicia to say she never saw a thing...  Why don't you give her a cane and a seeing eye dog right now?

Perhaps she also missed the cocaine her former husband was ingesting.   Or the fact that her sister, dumbbell Debbie, is widely known in Hollywood as one of the biggest tyrants in the industry.

The good news is that, within 24 hours, Phylicia got held to task for her stupid reaction and walked it back by "supporting all survivors."   The only thing it proved is that this moron has a very quick acting publicist on staff.

Dinner last night:  Had a big lunch so just some ice cream.   

1 comment:

Puck said...

At the risk of disagreeing:

I believe Bill Cosby did most, if not all, of what he's alleged to have done. But he was not released on a technicality. He was released because the previous DA made a deal that Cosby would not be charged if he testified in the civil suit brought by the woman from Temple University. That DA felt it would be impossible to make a criminal case and wanted him to admit what he had done. By making the deal he did, the DA removed Cosby's ability to use the Fifth Amendment -- he had to testify honestly or face contempt of court charges.

The next DA decided not only that he didn't want that deal, but that Cosby's testimony in the civil suit could be used against him in a criminal case. Basically, the prosecution changed the rules to alter the outcome of the game. The jusge who threw out the decision made no contention that Cosby was innocent of the charges, merely that the prosecution had lied by using his testimony in the civil suit against him in a criminal suit, taking away his Fifth Amendment rights illegally -- and anyone who doesn't think that's a big deal better hope it never happens to him/her.

Cosby may be a dirtbag, and Phylicia Rashad probably would have been better off saying nothing. But what the DA's office did was illegal, and the decision to throw out the conviction was the right one.