Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Not Your Grandfather's 101 Dalmatians


In the still COVID-ed world of 2021, it is quite easy to miss new motion picture releases.   Oh, sure, you can find them on streams and in theaters.  But, for some reason, they are much more likely to slip by unnoticed with barely a yip.

Such is the case of Disney's "Cruella."  Now, in normal times, I would have likely seen this in the Arclight Hollywood cinema.   Because it stars Emma Stone and...well...Emma Stone.   Yet, this past summer, I always seemed to have something else to do.

Enter my recent flight to NY from Los Angeles and so bored and masked that I needed something to do that would occupy my mind.  Ah, one of the 100 plus entertainment selections was "Cruella."  Okay, as one dalmatian might say to the other..."I'll bite."

Now the original cartoon was one of my very favorite Disney films, next to the always canine-filled "Lady and the Tramp."   And there was no better Disney villain than the mink-coated and bony-kneed Cruella DeVille.  Her theme song still rings in my ears.  So I was interested to see how they would provide the live-action backstory.   How did Cruella DeVille become Cruella DeVille?

Well, you find out in this tale and I won't tell you much because there are some twists and turns.   You find out how dalmatians become her most hated pets.  You learn how she hooks up with her henchman Horace and Jasper.   And you get a delicious performance from Emma Thompson as Cruella's template for evil.  

As with all Disney live action these days, "Cruella" is loaded with special effects that become numbing after a while.   But, the curious thing about this film is that, despite its cartoon origins, it is hardly a movie you would want to bring little kids to.   There are many sinister and scary images.   But there is also an underlying comedic bite to the dialogue that adults will appreciate.  The only quibble I have is that the old theme song is almost unrecognizable as played during the closing credits.  Boo.

And, oh, yeah....Emma Stone.

So, somehow, you can eventually can and should catch up to "Cruella."   You don't necessarily have to do it at 35,000 feet.

LEN'S RATING:  Three stars.

Dinner last night:  Turkey burger at the Cheesecake Factory.

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