Tuesday, January 25, 2022

TV Peeve

TV Peeve.   Say that five times fast and see what you get.

Well, anyway, here's one thing that really ticks me off with today's TV shows.  Okay, so text messages are the easiest way to communicate these days and naturally it's now a great way for screen writers to move plot along.  Have a character get a message on their phone.

Now you've seen how this gets played out.   The character gets the text and looks at the phone.  And you see the screen as they do.

Except can you actually read that message?   I know I can't.  So I wind up hitting the pause button and still the message is hard to read.   Sometimes the print is small.  Or the screen is slanted.

Can TV producers get with the program and convey these story points in another fashion?  Here's one illustrative fix.

The above would work for me.

Oh, and while I'n TV peeved, here's another annoyance.   Netflix' desire to quickly move to the next episode of whatever series you're on a binge with.  Personally, I like to read credits at the end.   But, as they start to roll, Netflix puts up a screen option to either watch the credits or move onto the next episode.  Except you get about five seconds to react before you are automatically shoved into the next episode.


And while we are focusing on credits, TV producers, how about putting the character name next to the actor so you can figure out who is playing who.   Most of the time, I have to access IMDB to discern who was who.

There!  I feel better now.

Dinner last night:  Leftover Chinese food.

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