Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Morons of the Month - February 2022


As long as there are politicians in this nation, we will always have monthly morons.  And especially those who have a "D" after their name.   Gee, I thought that stood for "Democrat."   Maybe it really signifies "Dummy."

Now, with NY's Bill DeBlasio now doing clean-up on the condiment counter at Burger King, we can officially say without question that Eric Garcetti is the dumbest mayor in the US.   He will hold that title until he is either booted or Mayor Pete goes back to his old job in South Bend.   

There is no better illustration of Garcetti's stupidity than the photo faux pas which caught him maskless at the Rams stadium last week.   When questioned about this, this idiot explained it all away by saying this was only for the selfie and he was holding his breath the entire time.


If only he could not exhale for about 90 minutes and then we would have a good story.

But lunacy is obviously more contagious than Omicron.   Because, at the very same event, we got the other California shit-for-brains Governor Gavin Newscum caught in a similar selfie.

When caught, Newscum had an explanation that differed from Garshitty's "holding his breath" nonsense.   Nope, Newscum explained that his mask was on at all times and he was holding it at his side.   He only removed it to take a sip of water.

The only people dumber than these two are the ones who pulled the lever next to their names in the voting booth.  That might even be you.

And here's the catch on both of these selfies.   Magic Johnson is also maskless. Now he's as dumb as a door knob, too, but...I mean...he's got an auto immune issue.   Wasn't he deemed HIV Positive 100 years ago?   Shouldn't he be masked at all times?   And not hanging around with these two morons?

This is all a fucking charade.   And surprise...California has now lifted indoor mask mandates.

Dinner last night:  Leftover Chinese food.

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