Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Morons of the Month - July 2022


For once, I agree with the mob and this sign in particular.

Enough is enough.

Oh, wait, this group is protesting for better gun control?   Never mind.

Don't get me wrong.   We need better laws to protect ourselves from this burgeoning number of mass shootings, especially in schools.  Of course, this country...and the shit hole of Chicago in particular, has multiple shootings and killings every weekend.   You just don't hear about them from the lame stream media because most of them involve Black people killing other Black people.  That doesn't really count.   It's more fun to talk about young crazy White guys firing their rifles at random.

But I digress as we really need to talk about the medicated elephant in the room.  Because those young, male, and White snipers all have another thing in common.  Besides being bat shit crazy, we now know that most of them have already been under a doctor's care for said craziness.

And prescribed medication.

Read the stories of the last two dozen or so mass shooters and you will find a more important common thread beyond skin color.  Parents who didn't know what to do with them.   Shrinks who were stuck for answers.   And antidepressants prescribed as a fix to all their problems.

As Casey Stengel would say, you could look it up.   And I did.

So if they're still shooting and they're on drugs, you connect the dots and realize that maybe..just maybe...the medicine ain't working.  

Nobody tells you that among our scummy politicians because most of them take lobby money from pharmaceuticals.   You can talk all about Republicans taking gun lobby dough.   Look at the list of your elected officials taking drug dollars.  And they're both Republicans and Democrats.  You know who takes the most?  NY Senator Chuck the Schmuck Schumer.

Casey tells you to look that up.

So why no journalistic probe into psycho drugs that are acting just like placebos?  Well, that's an easy answer.   Your number one sponsor for most of the news networks and news divisions across the country?

Well, there you are.   So you morons can talk about confiscating bullets.   Let's talk about better psychiatric solutions moving forward.

Dinner last night:  Hamburger.

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