Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Fortress of Len


Not my hand.  Not my fistful of pills.   And I take a lot more of them every morning.  

Yes, I am supplement-crazy.

Over the past few weeks, I look around and find folks still testing positive for COVID.   They've been vaccinated and double and triple vaccinated and still getting it.

Meanwhile, since March 2020, this writer has gone through one of his most healthy periods ever.   NO COVID.   Only one...count ' sinus infection.  Back in the day, I was good for at least two or three every year.   When I lived in NY, sinus infections visited me at least five times every 12 months.

Except for orthopedic issues, I am in relatively good shape.   And my internist, at the outset of the pandemic, told me that my constitution would probably prevent any future invasion of COVID or its two dozen or so variants.

So why?   Well, go back to the picture above.   As I said, I am supplement-crazy.

So what's on my morning agenda with a swig or two of orange juice?

1.  One-A-Day multi vitamin for men.

2.  An apple cider vinegar pill.

3.  A vitamin for healthy hair and nails.

4.  Co-Q 10.

5.  One Citrucel pill for digestion.

6.  Omega fish oil.

7.  Tart cherry pill.

8.  Milk thistle for liver function.

9.  Vitamin A.

10.  Vitamin B.

11.  Vitamin C.

12.  Vitamin D.

13.  Vitamin E.

14.  Garlic.

15.  No-flush niacin.

16.  Baby aspirin.

17.  Glucosamine chondrotin.

18.  Cranberry concentrate tablet.

19.  One probiotic pill.

Add to this one medication for cholesterol and one for acid reflux and I'm done.

And COVID-free.

Dinner last night:  Grilled Taylor Hamburger.

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