Thursday, August 15, 2024

Len's Recipe of the Month - August 2024


Ah, August.   The only time during the year where I will eat a sliced tomato.   It's when they're at their peak.   Just picked by a farmer.  Or, back in the day, my grandmother from her backyard garden.

Every year, in her honor, I will visit a local farmer's market and get "tomato-ed" up.  And I endeavor to use them in a dish I have never tried before.

Ladies and gentlemen, straight from America's Test Kitchen...Tomato Gratin.

Get three to four big tomatoes and quarter, then eighth them in a bowl.

In a skillet or a Dutch oven, heat up some EVO and then add the tomatoes over medium heat.   Slice three cloves of garlic and add them along with the following...

Two tablespoons of sugar.

One tablespoon of kosher salt.

One tablespoon of ground pepper.

Heat it all together for ten minutes...or until the tomatoes have released a lot of juice.

Now, you can make your own croutons, but a bag of them is just as good.  Add it to the tomatoes and press the croutons down so they absorb the liquid.

Cover it all with grated parmagiana reggiano.  Place in a 350 degree oven for about four minutes.

Viola.   You've made something worthy of my grandmother's garden.

Dinner last night:  Chicken salad.

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