Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Not Me


If you remember that "Family Circle" comic strip, they frequently show the kids doing something wrong and invariably the dialogue cloud has all of the children saying "not me."

I had no idea that Pete Rose was one of those kids.

Of course, Pete did and everybody knows it.   That didn't stop him from participating in a new HBO documentary that's a deep dive into all things Pete Rose.   When I first became aware of it, I noticed that it was divided into four hour-long chapters.   I decided to sample the first one.

Four hours later, I was done with just one bathroom break.   It was that compelling.  Watching this was an addiction.

Just like Pete Rose.

Now I thought I knew everything about the guy.  The gambling denial.  The ultimate admission to gambling on games he was managing.  Statutory rape charges.   Money laundering.  Tax evasion.  Drug and steroid dealing.  Most of the latter he denies.   But who knows?   While the documentary is pretty comprehensive, there is still plenty of information that I didn't know.   Hence the inability on my part to turn the thing off.

Pete is very accessible to the filmmakers as he always tells his side of the story.  Indeed, all these confessions or non-confessions are part of Pete's seemingly endless attempts to get into the Baseball Hall of Fame.  You're privy to these attempts and you cringe and squirm as most of them are unsuccessful because Pete can never seem to get out of his own way.

The fascinating thing for me is how balanced this documentary is.   You come away torn.   Part of me feels the lifetime ban is appropriate.   Five minutes later, I'm hoping he gets that Cooperstown plaque on the wall.  There are moments where you hate him.   There are moments where you can feel his pain.

All of it, fascinating.

Sadly, the last words of the four hour film come from former Cincinnati Reds broadcaster Marty Brennamen who predicts that Pete will probably get into the HOF posthumously.   And what would be the point of that?

Indeed, Marty makes a valid point.

LEN'S RATING:  Three-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:  Hot dogs.

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