Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Morons of the Month - August 2024


The animal mascot of the Democratic party is a jackass.   I'm surprised I didn't realize that sooner.

Okay, here comes some rare political ranting and raving from yours truly.  Truth be told, I am a registered Independent and I can't stand 99 percent of the politicians out there.   There are few I talk politics with and usually those folks are aligned with me.  But, every once in a while, I have a friend I respect and can have a political discussion with.   Such a happening occurred earlier this week.

I met a friend for lunch.  He claims to be a moderate but he really is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal.  But his arguments to be so are usually smart and dignified.  More people on opposite sides should be as civil as me and this particular friend.

Now I will add that he is devoutly Jewish and the only one who is deeper into the religion is his wife.  She has wallpapering social media for months on the despicable antics of Hamas.  Israel couldn't have two bigger fans.

Except, almost in the same breath, he announced to me that he was going to vote for Kamala Harris for President.


Here's a person who has been vocally anti-Israel and pro-Hamas.  This is not something that Sean Hannity made up.  Google it and you will see plenty of evidence.  Kamala is no fan of the Jews.

So, I questioned my friend.   How could you vote for her knowing that?

"Well, Donald Trump..."

Orange Hair is the answer for everything.  You get the impression that Democrats would vote for Hitler if he ran against Trump.  I can hear the rationalization now.

"Well, Adolf was misunderstood and those art teachers really disrespected him..."

You see how it comes.

What has Kamala Harris done to warrant the attention and welcome that she is receiving from the Democrats?  Four years ago, she got zero support in her quest for the big office.  One year ago, historians called her the most inept Vice President ever.

Here's a lady who advanced in her career the old fashioned way.  She spread herself wider than the Panama Canal and had the sheet crease marks on her ass to prove it.  Again, this is not coming from Fox News.   Google it.

She was supposedly hard on crime as California's chief prosecutor but nobody can find a case that she actually litigated on.  She's called her Indian and Black and Jewish at different times in her life.  Meanwhile, her thoughts are one long run-on sentence.

And nobody needed to care for the longest time because everybody figured she was destined for the recycle bin for Joe Biden's second Presidential run.

Except people suddenly realized that the aforementioned babbling boob could no longer stay awake for more than ten minutes at a time.  Suddenly and virtually overnight, Kamala Harris is automatically the next President and her past non-deeds are being drowned with a gallon bottle of White Out.  The Democrats are clearly turning into something she's not or ever has been.  It's Washington's version of "My Fair Lady" and everybody has suddenly grown accustomed to her face.

You can't make up this lunacy if you really tried.  My friend and probably your friends are suddenly in goose step behind this complete idiot.

"Well, Donald Trump..."

Dinner last night:  Steak salad.

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