Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Big Summer Blockbuster of 1996


Wait.  That's what the original "Twister" movie was.  Remember?  The one with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton.   It made oodles of money and was the appointment film that summer.

Well, 9 years later, they finally have revisited the franchise and it feels all so wonderfully comfortable.   It's a summer blockbuster just like we remember from the days prior to COVID and Netflix...two of the reasons why the film industry changed forever.

"Twisters" is a movie you see in the theater and not your living room.   It is big and loud without annoying the people in the apartment next door.  You get sucked into the story and the likeable leads and it's so marvelously retro.

This is a summer movie the way they used to be made.   With a crowded auditorium.   Yes, the theater I saw it in was packed.   There was popcorn spilled on the floor and that never looked so good.

Sure, there is a flimsy story.   Yep, there might be ten tornadoes too many.  But that's okay because you're sucked in nonetheless.  Names from the original production like Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg are attached and again you remember their roles in similar summer blockbusters.

What fun!

Hollywood, please remember that this is what it used to be like.  And there's no reason it can't be like this again.

LEN'S RATING:  Three-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:  Steak salad.

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