Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Last BLT?


Pure heaven.

This is the BLT sandwich offered by a sandwich shop in my neighborhood, Clementine's.  Because of the quality of fresh tomatoes, they only put this on the menu in August.   So, it's time to live it up.

This year, even so.   If you watched one Presidential candidate's National Lampoon Economics Class last week, you were told about the wonders of the government regulating the costs of food.   And the by-product of that will be, along with eventual food shortages, that we won't be able to discern the quality of one food staple from another.   This is all in the playbook of this idiot who hasn't been in a kitchen or a super market for twenty years.

But we have to stop what she called "price gauging."  If anybody listened to her dribble and still plans to vote for her (please take Trump out of the equation), this country is doomed.

So are small wonderful establishments like Clementine's,   And perhaps even the demise of the great BLT as I have known it and loved it.

Dinner last night:  Chicken tenders.

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