Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Warm and Cozy Wednesday

The fire's getting warm. And I'm even hotter.

---If you’ve watched any cable TV over the past few weeks, you must know all about Snuggies. This mail order piece of chintzy fleece that is a couch potato’s wet dream.

---They tell you there is some great innovation. I tell you that this is a fucking robe on backwards!

---Look at the numbskulls wearing this. It’s a cult looking for Cherry Kool-Aid.

---Either that or some people who lost on their way to a Star Trek convention.

---They tell you that your arms are amazingly free while wearing the Snuggie.

---And I’ll tell you that your sleeves will dangle over the flame while you’re heating up a cup of tea. And this cheap material will burn you all the way to Dental Record Town.

---Yeah, let’s promote something that actually makes it even easier for people to sit on their fat asses and clog their arteries with even more plaque.

---Even more confounding this week was that slob who gave birth to eight kids.

---Miracle of God? Hardly. This human dumpster was injected with eight different embryos.

---This goes with the other six mutations she already has at home. And one of them is autistic, so that automatically increases the degree of difficulty by four.

---And the father is…? On his way back to Iraq, apparently.

---We should all get to go to the baptisms, since these kids will be our financial responsiblities until eighteen years from now.

---If she wants to breast feed, she’s going to have to use one of those oil derricks for a pump.

---Is there such a thing as Carpal Breast Syndrome?

---Gee, if she wanted to start a collection as a hobby, why didn't she start with some Beanie Babies?

---Of course, she wanted her identity kept anonymous to protect her privacy.

---You have eight kids artificially? Your privacy goes the way of moon rocks and Silly Putty.

---Allegedly, this piece of dirt paid for her embryo injections as a result of a law suit stemming from a "work-related injury."

---Ah, there's that Carpal Breast thing again.

---Somebody please give these fourteen kids away to parents who deserve them.

---We’ve got trash like this sucking up our tax dollars. Yet, we’re supposed to embrace all nationalities and people getting dumped into our country.

---Kumbaya, my ass!

---Hopefully, the economy will get as stimulated as this woman's uterus.

---By the way, how the hell does over 300 million dollars for sexually transmitted diseases get into an economic stimulus package?

---That only makes money if they start to price gouge pencillin.

---Or if every American male sleeps with Paris Hilton.

---STDs creating jobs? Now why didn't Franklin Roosevelt think of that?!!!

---Okay, Cabinet members, a show of hands, please. How many of you have paid your taxes?

---Hmm, I see.........none.

---Who the hell conducted the screening for this goofballs Obama selected? His daughter's Girl Scout troop.

---I can hear it now. "Daddy, Mr. Daschle should be in your Cabinet. He bought two boxes of Samoas and some Thin Mints."

---Speaking of some bad vetting processes, what about the government agencies on 24?

---I'm digging the new season, but how many times do we find out there's some enemy mole that slipped through into the FBI.

---The ground hog saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter and four more years of Michelle Obama.

Dinner last night: pasta and meatball leftovers---always better the second day.


Anonymous said...

I have NEVER commented...but have to. This is the funniest LenSpeaks yet. (and that's saying something.) Genius!!!

Anonymous said...

Nadya Suleman--the brood sow who popped out kids seven through fourteen--is Public Enemy Number One. The family's from Iraq and this is Iraq's Revenge. Public Enemy Number Two is the doctor who agreed to let a divorced woman with six kids and no job get IVF. Huh? Does this clown still have a license?

America's officially insane. I haven't been this pissed since the Black Friday homicides at Toys R Us. Hey, what's wrong with going Christmas shopping while armed?

Get me off this planet.

Anonymous said...

BTW. Part of the torture that is riding the bus in LA is being forced to watch the snuggies commercial on the horrible little screens. Do the idiots in this commercial not have central heating? Do they not own sweaters? What's so hard about answering the phone? The commercial makes it seem life-threatening.